What We're Allowed to Read
July 12, 2009
I'm wondering, Tom, if you've even taken the time to read any of these "atheist" books? asked one of my interrogators. Dawkins and crew had come up in conversation.
Well....um...ah...ahem...that is to say.........(no)
Perhaps in fairness I should read one or two. Moristotle positively used to plead with me to do it. Trouble is, I've read atheist arguments singly, through blogs and so forth, and have not been impressed. Why think that would change were I to read them in orchestral form? I come from that point of view in the first place, or if not from that point of view, at least from the agnostic point of view. I worry these books would exasperate me, since I'd agree with much of them. By all accounts, they expose hypocrisies of religion. I've no problem with that. But it would be "been there....done that." Jehovah's Witnesses were exposing hypocrisies of religion before these guys were born, and doing so when it took guts - that is, before it became trendy. But by trashing religion, these authors think they're trashing God. How are they doing that? When it comes to fraudulent religion, the Bible foretold that development exactly:
For example:
....there will also be false teachers among you. These very ones will quietly bring in destructive sects and will disown even the owner that bought them, bringing speedy destruction upon themselves. Furthermore, many will follow their acts of loose conduct, and on account of these the way of the truth will be spoken of abusively. (2 Pet 2:1-2)
They publicly declare they know God, but they disown him by their works, because they are detestable and disobedient and not approved for good work of any sort. (Titus 1:16)
Furthermore, these atheist books keep calling me a deist. What an idiot word! Wait until they find out I'm a married man. No doubt I will also be called a wifist.
Besides, one can only do so much reading. Alas, the long-suffering wife, Mrs. Sheepandgoats, thinks I read too much as it is, to the detriment of nobler tasks like fixing things around the house! She accuses me of living by the motto "If it ain't broke, don't fix it. If it is broke, don't fix it." Can you imagine such an accusation?!
But that opening question - about reading atheist books - was a trap!! My interlocutor responded:
My question to you was actually a bit loaded, (he never asked me one that wasn't) because the organization that you are a part of would not wanting you reading such things at all. My church, on the other hand, would encourage such reading because we know we have the truth and have nothing to fear.
Actually, I've heard it put more strongly than that. From time to time, you will hear characters, even some who were once Witnesses - carrying on about how they weren't "allowed" to read anything but what was Watchtower-published. I swear, I don't know how grown people can make themselves such children! Who do they think is going to "not allow" you? One might hear counsel that it's well not to waste ones' time on drivel. Is that the same as "not being allowed?" These days, cigarette packs feature the caution: "Surgeon General's Warning: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy." Does that mean people aren't allowed to smoke? To make the point, I stated "I assure you, though, that if congregation elders were to pay me a visit and the entire Dawkins-Harris-Hitchings trinity was lying on my coffee table, I would not be in trouble." Some opposing website quoted the line, to howls of disbelief. What is it with these people? It's as if they write Dear Abby, recieve an answer, and obsess that Dear Abby will punish them should they deviate from the "rules" she's laid out!
Oh, I suppose if one of those meddlesome persons is coming around - you know, the sort who delights to put in their two cents on everything - we all know them when we see them - then you might tuck those books out of sight, unless you deliberately want to get a rise out of said persons. And you might do the same if ones whom you respect are coming around, the same way you might silence a CD with smutty lyrics, out of embarrassment, mostly, since you tend to ask yourself "if I'm embarrassed listening to this stuff in their presence, why am I listening to it in the first place? These are purely human factors at work and have nothing to do with "getting in trouble."
Actually, I'm not likely to have those books laying around anyway, on account of 1 Tim.6:20:
O Timothy! Guard what was committed to your trust, avoiding the profane and idle babblings and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge.
Of course, this counsel was given to Timothy, not me, so it obviously doesn't apply, but I take it to heart anyway. And, lest I offend my atheist friends.....man, do I hate that expression! Some religious blogger speaks about his atheist friends! I don't have any atheist friends. Hard-core atheists, I mean, and not just agnostics. I mean, suppose someone absolutely cannot stand your wife, and never misses an opportunity to trash her....is it possible that person can still be your friend? It's not exactly the same, of course. One can see my wife....indeed, it's hard to takes one's eyes off her....whereas one cannot see God. But it's still close enough. Yes, there are atheists who are decent enough people, with whom I can get along, and for whom I can garner respect, but they don't quite cross that boundary into "friend" territory. It's a special word.
Um....but we weren't talking about that. We were talking about "the profane and idle babblings and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge." I might not have put the Dawkins-Harris-Hitchings trinity in that category at one time, as I would now. Once I was searching, and when you're searching you explore many different things.
From time to time, in the ministry you run into those who offer you things to read, just as we might offer them things to read. This, if not a little awkward, is at least not what you would expect. After all, by the time you've mustered up boldness to call upon complete strangers, it's not likely that you're yet searching. When I was searching, I would have read all of that stuff. But I'm not really searching anymore. My search has ended. There's tweaking, exploring, and yet more learning ahead. But the basic framework is intact. It's been tested with much shaking. It holds.
To hear the grousers carry on, you'd think persons new to the faith were bound, gagged and shoved into cloisters. Look, before anyone decides to "join" Jehovah's Witnesses, they go through a period of Bible study, seldom lasting less than a year. They weigh what they're learning. They sift and compare. They consider how it applies. By degrees, they make various changes to align their lives with the Bible. Throughout this time, they function in general society just as they always did - it's not as if they're suspended from daily life. If that's brainwashing, (a common accusation) then so is every other endeavor upon which people may make a stand. (and one new Witness observed that, given today's world, our brains can use a good washing) Should they eventually become Witnesses, they may well decide thereafter to read mostly Watchtower published material, from which they learned Bible teachings in the first place. They trust the source.
In the late 1960’s a newspaper editor in Trenton, Ontario commented on Watchtower literature. “Among the interesting plethora of publications, some come regularly from the Watchtower Bible Society, better known as Jehovah’s Witnesses. This is an organization which, by any man’s standards, must command respect. The magazines are well written, with plenty of research, and quite apart from the special religious theories advanced, with which many may disagree, the society touches on every aspect of human life and the world God gave man. It upholds Biblical principles, and inculcates in its adherents the ideas of honor and purity, good citizenship, and impeccable behavior, which a world rent by the distortions of so-called freedom would do well to read.” It's not bad stuff, and there's no end to it.
Frankly, there is only so much time most people have for reading, and in some cases, only so much interest. So if somebody chooses to read only Watchtower publications - and we do have many people like that - what problem would I have with it? They prioritize reading material as they see fit.
Christian values are poles apart from those of the world in general. Not in shallow surface ways, but in the most basic fundamental of ways. So.....once you decide to diet, why stuff the fridge with ice cream and the cupboards with chips - things that will serve only to undermine your newfound determination? No, I have no problem should someone decide to read mostly JW published material. Some do. Some don't.
What I like about the JW organization is that they're unafraid of verses like 1 Tim 6:20:
O Timothy, guard what is laid up in trust with you, turning away from the empty speeches that violate what is holy and from the contradictions of the falsely called “knowledge.” For making a show of such [knowledge] some have deviated from the faith.
Everyone else embarrassedly pretends those verses don't exist, fearful lest they be seen as narrow and restrictive, the worst of all possible sins in today's world. Watchtower applies them, unconcerned with how the world will react, so long as they discharge their scriptural responsibility to warn against specious reasonings. They want Christians to "attain to the oneness in the faith and in the accurate knowledge of the Son of God.....in order that we should no longer be babes, tossed about as by waves and carried hither and thither by every wind of teaching by means of the trickery of men, by means of cunning in contriving error." Eph 4:13-14
Specious (defined):
1. Having the ring of truth or plausibility but actually fallacious
2. Deceptively attractive
It's a stand that takes guts, that exposes them to sneering ridicule, or absurd charges that they want to "control" people.
Yes, there is caution about what we read, what we view for entertainment, and so forth. It's GIGO - computereeze for "Garbage "In, Garbage Out." You can find such counsel in Watchtower material. You ought to be able to find it in other religious organizations. Perhaps then they might stand out as separate from a decaying world, rather than an intricate component of it.
But counsel is just that - it's counsel. It's advice. It's not rule, nor law, and it's not presented as if it is.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have the latest issue of Reader's Digest to plow through. But don't tell anyone. I don't want to get in trouble.
Tom Irregardless and Me No Fake News but Plenty of Hogwash
The truth about everything requires reading and studying Jehovah's Witnesses publications, and "Soldier of Fortune Magazine". Somewhere in the middle is absolute truth....about everything.
[email protected]
Posted by: Tom Rook | July 12, 2009 at 11:54 PM
Ah....but where?
I actually do read a great deal. But then, reading's my thing. It's not everyone's.
I've also added to the original post since you posted your comment.
Thanks for weighing in.
Posted by: tom sheepandgoats | July 13, 2009 at 10:22 AM
Consider: One decides that the world is a giant sphere, and that it orbits a bigger sphere called the sun, which is part of a large number of spheres orbiting a supermassive black hole, which clusters around other supermassive black holes with giant spheres around them, and so on and so on.
Would it help this person to "broaden their horizons" or help them to be "open minded" if they read things written by those who believed the Earth flat, and the universe to revolve around it? What if such a person lived in 1425?
It's easy to tell someone that they aren't modern or mature, because they are selective in their reading. Yet is that not a sign of discernment? Of mature reasoning? Should not such behavior be lauded?
Maybe, instead of assuming that some are having their head bashed in to absorb only certain material, perhaps we should look at their reasons for reading such material. I'm willing to bet that most are doing so ultimately by choice. Which is the mantra of all those who ridicule them. Jehovah's Witnesses are exercising their freedom, so why would those who "champion freedom" try to change that?
Posted by: Screech | July 16, 2009 at 11:29 PM
Of course there are various arguments about why one should or shouldn’t read information contradictory to their pre-conceived beliefs. I personally favor a wide reading on subjects that catch my interest. I think a good quick rule is if you want to engage in conversation on any given matter, try to learn a little bit about what the ‘other side’ believes on the subject. I sense that you’ve done that, though I must add reading a well written book on a subject will obviously provide far greater insight on it then just gleanings from odd sources (I myself have read 2 of Harris’s books and am currently reading Hitchen’s). Of course despite my fondest for Mormonism and the heritage I’ve been bequeathed, I’m all over the place in many ways. Doubtless much can be said for the benefit of just choosing something and sticking to it, but I still must question what the cost of that would be, and if its worth it to me personally.
Posted by: NateDredge | July 23, 2009 at 06:28 PM
"I myself have read 2 of Harris’s books and am currently reading Hitchen’s"
Are they any good?
Posted by: tomsheepandgoats | July 23, 2009 at 11:46 PM
I’m surprised how little I remember from ‘The End of Faith’, I tried to find my copy to jog my memory but was unable to locate it. I do remember that there was some interesting stuff about the neuroscience of belief and how the brain works in regards to faith (In fact that prompted me to want to read more on that subject).The sequel Book, ‘Letter to a Christian Nation’ is a more direct retort to various apologetic arguments for God. It’s a short read but there’s a lot of stuff in it, and I must confess I would quite like to see some direct refutations to some of Harris’s more d***ing charges. If you’re going to read any of the ’new atheist’ books I would recommend ’Letter to a Christian Nation’ because of its directness, and conciseness, and Harris’s capable writing (Hitchen’s is more florid and in many ways funner to read, but he’s also more ideocentric).
Posted by: NateDredge | July 30, 2009 at 06:23 PM
Okay, I'll advance it some on the "to read" list.
Harris was in town a couple years ago. A workmate picked up his book and raved about it. It inspired a post:
Posted by: tomsheepandgoats | July 31, 2009 at 12:43 AM
I couldn't agree more with the principle of GIGO. We just have to decide what is garbage and what satisfies the commands of Phil 4:8.
Of course, as Nate pointed out there is also value in reading other perspectives. This is especially important in apologetics, as I'm sure you'd agree.
Posted by: Jason Chamberlain | July 31, 2009 at 08:38 AM
That's how I came to peruse your own blog, which is thought-provoking and well written, though of a diffenet mindset.
Posted by: tom sheepandgoats | August 01, 2009 at 03:48 PM
Thanks for the kind words. I look at it as a good way to journal what I'm getting out of Scripture each day. It forces me to dig a bit deeper than I otherwise would. It also gives me a chance to practice what I've been learning all these years as I slowly plod through seminary. If others can find any value in it then so much the better.
Posted by: Jason Chamberlain | August 01, 2009 at 07:13 PM
I must say that I have read some books on athiestism and it only fortified by belief in God. I would like the time I spent reading them back but since it brought me closer to Jehovah I'd have to say it helped me... again it's not for everyone though. I always think of the addage...I know that drinking gasoline will kill me, doesn't mean I have to try it to find out if it's true... is that too cliche?
Posted by: Brandon | September 27, 2009 at 11:54 AM
In general I think it's well to know why one believes whatever one believes. But be prepared for intense attacks, as emotional as the other side, yet cloaked in the noble quest for "science" and "facts." Motives, in my opinion, include dislike for what the Bible says, an inaccurate picture of its message due to its misrepresentation from religeous people, and an irresistable opportunity to pull the rug out from under obnoxious religious leaders by demolishing the platform upon which they stand.
Posted by: tom sheepandgoats | September 28, 2009 at 07:37 AM